Tartosgardh - Deatherotica

As the poet painteth silent, mystic worlds,
A coach push'd aside the veils of this bright fullmoon night.
In this coach, two hearts do sit, empty to the bone,
A Lady and a Lord so sad. Alas! They were alone!

"Enter Lady, enter Lord" doth the pen then carve
Into tombstones, ancient walls.
Wilt they dance in passion's halls?
O! Their hearts like arid brooks painfully did starve.

"Come hither" quoth the Lord "wherefore not play the fiddle?!
With no try ne'er did a hero solve the riddle!"
Thy words art cheeky, thou in haste, I calmly deem, my Lord,
But still I stand beside thee here, prepar'd to draw my sword.

[Lord, zeitgleich mit unterem]

Thy weeping dress of splendid yarn, enticing blacken'd silk:
It stroketh softly, magically thy pale skin white like milk.
If beauty were a vassal, dear, to tilt thou would be arm'd,
Thy tearful glare like daggers once my weaken'd heart hath harm'd.
Dark Princess, thou hast me enslav'd, thy snake in me doth hiss,
On my knees I creep, I beg and still wait for a kiss.
Mystic eyes enbloom'd in me the tendermost black flower,
Grant me love and soothe my pain, I bow unto thy power!

[Lady, gleichzeitig mit oberem]

O! Beyond the stars we flew in my phantasy
But the magic mirror spoke: "Then they dead wilt be."
Ay, I suffer like thou dost, I miss love like thee,
Yet the mirror cleary did my demise foresee.
Why woest me thou? Into the grave soon thou willt me lay,
Once we've nipped this vintage wine, we then are so fey.
My despair, it makes me do what thy Lordship wilt
Having tasted thy sweet drink, I shall drown in guilt.

Be no longer mortal dolts...
Let us start the wedding waltz!

Moistened lips and volcanos of lust,
Fragile bodies dance shivering fast.
Vampiric spell! Sharp teeth taste new flesh,
Desire burns wildly their hunger to ash.
Climaxeth their waltz, the gate open'd wide,
Blood carasseth the breasts of the bride.
The halls shake slowly and melt then to bricks,
The Mistress her wounds and the dying Lord licks.
Two twirling lovers in ballet of tears,
The poet, now groaning, their sudden end fears.

Their tongues met in meadows
Of lust, casting shadows
Of Death, passing by
Immortal last cry!
Lo! It is over, they fall to the ground,
Next day two corpses, embracing, were found.

A single black coffin ceased their red run,
Eternally 'gether, together as one.